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Why we are obsessed, and you should be to.

Making Pawpaw Easy to Find Has its Perils

We wanted to start off by saying Pawpaw is incredibly limited. While we forage our own, and source from small growers/foragers, it is still nearly impossible to keep up with the demand. We strongly recommend subscribing to our mailing list for updates on when it will be arriving to the site (subscribe in footer).

What Makes Pawpaw Special?

What Makes Pawpaw Special?

If you don't like custardy and sweet fruits then maybe you won't understand why flavour is what makes this fruit so special. Thankfully, there are many factors that make the Pawpaw so special.

Pawpaw is closely related to the Custard Apple fruit family, which includes fruits like: Cherimoya, Atemoya and Sugar Apple. These fruits exclusively grow in tropical climates, whereas Pawpaw grows here in North America. Able to withstand temperatures as low as -38 celsius it remains a mystery why this is the case.

Finding More Pawpaw

Finding More Pawpaw

We believe we have exhausted our resources for wild Pawpaw in Ontario, which is why ever since 2019 we have been working with local farmers to cultivate more Pawpaw. It can take up to 10 years for a Pawpaw seedling to begin to fruit, so bear with us as we wait for more.

When is Pawpaw Available?

When is Pawpaw Available?

The season for Pawpaw is short, but mighty. The earliest we ever picked Pawpaw was mid September, but normally the season is late September/early October until the middle of October.

If Pawpaw sells out before you are able to snag some don't hesitate to call/email us during regular business hours as we sometimes keep some available for pick ups.