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New Delivery Rates >

Delivery Rates

$29.99 Order Minimum (Please note the maps are currently not accurate to each zone)
Local Delivery Rates (Zone 1)

Local Delivery Rates (Zone 1)

Addresses in Zone 1 are between 1-29km from the Fruter Warehouse (123 Eastside Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario).

Delivery by Trexity:

9am - 3pm (by request) | 10am-4pm (by request) | 12pm - 6pm | 2pm-8pm

  • 0-20km - $6.99 Delivery
  • 20-30km - $10.99 Delivery
  • $100+ - Free Delivery

*Please note that delivery times can never be 100% guaranteed. Factors such as traffic, or car troubles can impact delivery times.

Local Delivery Rates (Zone 2)

Local Delivery Rates (Zone 2)

Addresses in Zone 2 are between 30-49km from the Fruter Warehouse (123 Eastside Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario).

Delivery by Trexity:

9am - 3pm (by request) | 10am-4pm (by request) | 12pm - 6pm | 2pm-8pm

  • 20-29km - $15.99 Delivery
  • $150+ - Free Delivery

*Please note that delivery times can never be 100% guaranteed. Factors such as traffic, or car troubles can impact delivery times.

Local Delivery Rates (Zone 3)

Local Delivery Rates (Zone 3)

Addresses in Zone 3 are between 50+ from the Fruter Warehouse (123 Eastside Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario).

Delivery by Trexity:

9am - 3pm (by request) | 10am-4pm (by request) | 12pm - 6pm | 2pm-8pm

  • 50+km - $34.99 Delivery
  • $200+ - Free Delivery

*Please note that delivery times can never be 100% guaranteed. Factors such as traffic, or car troubles can impact delivery times.

Full Local Map

Canada Wide Shipping

Canada Wide Shipping

Outside our local delivery zone? Fruter offers next day Priority shipping across Canada from a wide selection of couriers! Click the link to learn more.

Canada Wide Shipping
Pick Ups

Pick Ups

You can pick up your order Monday-Friday between 9-3.

Once you've arrived at 123 Eastside Drive continue down the parking lot to Unit 3 (sign for RGB Logistics out front). Ring the bell on the left (black) door and we will come meet you!

Note: you will receive a confirmation email when your order is packed and ready for pick up. Please add a date/time preference in the notes if you have time constraint.

Track Your Order

Track Your Order

Once orders are out for delivery you will receive a notification on your phone with live tracking of your order's status.

You do not have to be home to receive your order, but it is strongly recommended.

Note: if you enter an invalid phone number and/or email you won't receive a tracking link.

Why Buy Fruit & Veg Online?

Buying groceries online still seems a bit weird for a lot of people, but so did buying shoes online 5 years ago. We can't speak for other online grocery stores, but at Fruter we strongly believe it is the best way to get the freshest fruit and vegetables possible.

When fruit and veg is handled and transported less the result is better quality. It also means the cold chain is broken less. This is why when we pack your order it is picked up and delivered that same day. No holding or storage facilities in between.

Sizing and grading is also very important for us. We show you exactly what the produce looks like in our photos. If you have a meal plan that calls for tiny potatoes and our photo is of tiny potatoes you bet your butt you are getting tiny potatoes.

The Fruter Way

order fruit online

1. Source

We source premium fruit and vegetables directly from farms. Local fruit/veg is delivered within 0-1 days of being picked, and imported fruit/veg is delivered within 3-4 days of being picked.

fresh online fruit

2. Add to Wesbite

Fruits for the week are added to the website. Fruits that have not arrived yet are labelled with their expected arrival date.

find fruit delivery

3. Out for Delivery

We carefully pack your order and our trusted third party courier partners pick it up. Once your order is picked up you will receive a notification to begin tracking your order's status.

delivered fruit toronto

4. Delivered!

Your order arrives and the fun begins. If you have any issues with your order do not hesitate to contact us.